Gretel Couture

pro • 1 original

gretel couture by Jenny Strebe

Braiding at its best! This couture would even make Gretel green with envy. Looks complicated, but is actually fairly easy to recreate at home.

step-by-step tutorial

Gretel Couture Step 1


separate two front sections; tie remaining hair and braid

Gretel Couture Step 2


arrange and loop braid into a bun

Gretel Couture Step 3


secure the ends with an invisi-loop

Gretel Couture Step 4


spread and drape hair to cover the ORIGINAL

Gretel Couture Step 5


release right front section and braid; for added volume loosen braid

Gretel Couture Step 6


arrange and loop side braid around the braided bun

Gretel Couture Step 7


secure braid ends with an invisi-loop

Gretel Couture Step 8


release second front section and braid; arrange and loop the braid around the braided bun

video tutorial

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